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Winter Photos {Kalamazoo Children Photography}

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We have had quite a week of snow. I was gone early last week to Atlanta for the IMAGING USA convention. I had a great time, and even soaked in a sunny 60 degree outdoor lunch! It was fabulous knowing that here in Mich. it was bitterly cold and snowing. The snow has a lot of “cons” to it, but it is so beautiful to look at. I have  been wanting to get a cute smiley cuddling photograph of my girls, and I thought….”Heh lets do it in the snow!!” Norah was all for it, but that little Noelle had other plans, as in “nope, not gonna do it.” I had found the cute sled in our garage, it was my husband’s sled when he was a boy….again such high hopes dashed by a two year old refusing to cooperate. Oh well….I am sure Winter will hang on a little longer for me to try again….


Norah is trying to get Noelle to participate….I am sure you can guess who won this battle.



Here is the only decent photographs I got, Norah overly participating with her crazy poses (this one is quite good though!) …and Noelle, tricked into looking up when we starting to sing the “Barney song”. Ahhh….two years are so freakin’ adorable, but goodness they put up a fight….well at least mine does! 🙂 Stay tuned….I may have lost this battle, but mommy will not lose the war!!

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